After water, tea is the second most popular drink consumed Worldwide. In England, they drink primarily black tea, In Japan, it is Matcha.  Green tea is the most-consumed tea in Belgium, Denmark and France. However, most European and Asian tea markets are traditionally dominated by black tea. In the Middle East, the preferred tea is Mint and Cinnamon

In the last couple of years, hot tea consumption has expanded greatly in America. With the constant variety of tea to choose from, how do you choose the perfect tea and what are the different health benefits.

I love tea, I drink black tea or coffee in the morning, a green tea after dinner and a chamomile/valerian tea before bed.

The story of tea begins in China.

According to legend, in 2737 BC, the Chinese emperor Shen Nung was sitting beneath a tree while his servant boiled drinking water, when some leaves from the tree blew into the water. Shen Nung, a renowned herbalist, decided to try the infusion that his servant had accidentally created.

And VOILA, The world has never been the same.

So what is the difference in all these types of teas, you ask?

Black, White, Oolong and Green teas come from the Camellia Sinensis Shrub. Black tea is oxydized Oolong tea is fermented (black and green teas mixed), White tea tends to be lower in Caffeine. Herbal teas are made from plants using herbs, spices, flowers, fruits, leaves, roots and bark.

Some teas maybe mixed with a green tea and added spices for flavoring and should state on the label all of the ingredients used.

There is not a Green Tea Plant, Matcha and green tea come from the same plant as the other teas. The main differences are in their production processes and the content of the end product. Matcha goes through a more careful growth and extraction process than other teas. Manufacturers do not grow most green teas in the shade or protect them from oxidation. These added steps help control variables in production and give matcha its unique characteristics and flavor.

Other teas may go through multiple processes — such as heating, drying, and rolling — after harvest. The exact processes vary depending on the type of green tea.

The end product causes differences in flavor for matcha and green tea. Where green tea may have a light, refreshing flavor, matcha tends to be rich, with a stronger, grassy flavor.

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Here are some specific and health benefits of different teas:

Chai – This tea is traditional Indian milky tea made from a blend of black tea, ginger and other spices.  It has various health benefits depending on the spice.

Black Tea / English Breakfast – this tea has a higher concentrations of caffeine, so you will generally see this more as a morning or afternoon drink, similar to coffee. English Breakfast tea is made of a blend of black teas and tends to be stronger.

White Tea –this tea reduces the risk of heart disease, helps with weight loss,  can protect teeth from bacteria, lower insulin resistance and help with Osteoporosis.   

Green Tea – helps with Fluoride and increasing the immune system.

Chamomile- drink this tea close to bed time, it helps with relaxation, Reducing menstrual pain, inflammation, lowering blood sugar, and slowing or preventing osteoporosis.

Lavender tea may be useful in improving mood disorders. It is widely used as an aromatherapy to help with anxiety, depression and fatigue, also helps with menstrual pain, skin health and sleep.  

Valerian root has mild sedative properties and people can use it as a sleep aid and to treat anxiety., it typically will be combined with other teas in sleeping teas.

Mint Tea – drink this tea to ease digestion, relieve headaches, freshen breath, clogged sinuses, improve energy, menstrual cramps, and even improve sleep

Red raspberry leaf has been recommended as a tonic to improve fat metabolism and encourage weight loss. It is often sold as a “detoxifying” supplement meant to improve body composition and overall health.

Ginger Tea – this tea will give relief from motion sickness, alleviate nausea, manage blood pressure and heart health, in addition to managing weight and blood sugar levels, did i mention it also relieves pain and inflammation.

Peppermint – helps with irritable bowel syndrome, It is also used for indigestionbed sorestension headache, anxiety, insomnia, and memory.

Hibiscus The fruit acids in Hibiscus sabdariffa might work like a laxative. Other chemicals in Hibiscus sabdariffa might be able to lower blood pressure, reduce levels of sugar and fats in the blood, reduce swelling, and work like antibiotics.

Cherry has antioxidant, relieving blood pressure, bad cholesterol and lowers risk of cardiovascular problems, potentially contributing to the detoxification process in the body.

How to steep your own tea from Dried/Fresh Herbs.

Bring the water just to a boil, add anywhere from 1 teaspoon to 1 tablespoon of dried herbs per cup of water to your teapot, and then let steep for 3-5 minutes, depending on how strong you like your tea. Since herb teas are naturally light in color, test by taste rather than by sight. These strainers are amazing for steeping tea and make cleanup a breeze.

This page is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Do your research, find what works for you and talk to your physician if you have any questions or concerns.