These days it seems like I am obsessed with Beauty Sleep. I have a slew of “Nighttime” Products that I lather up on right before bed. I guess I just love the idea of waking up refreshed.  

I remember as a teenager sleeping in a hair conditioning mask a couple of times a week. I always slept in gloves and socks to keep my hands and feet moisturized and would frequently take baths with oil and then jump into the bed with some lavender baby powder. Okay. Truth is i kind of still do those things with just a couple more additions. LOL

As a teenager, i did not have to worry about wrinkles and technically with just one good night sleep i could repair a whole weeks worth of damage, but as i have gotten older, there seem to be more and more things that i am expecting my nighttime products to do.

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Beauty Sleep is considered between 7-9 hours a night.

It is when your skin repairs itself, healing from the damage of the day, This is because your cortisol level (the fight or flight hormone) go down and your melatonin goes up.  So what exactly happens when you sleep?

Your body makes collagen, preventing sagging.

Your body boosts blood flow leading to a healthy glow

Your hair releases growth hormones related to melatonin, causing your hair to be fuller and grow longers.

Sleep gives your eyes moisture during the night, leading to brighter less puffy eyes,

Of course, Too much sleep will not necessarily turn you into Sleeping Beauty, it can raise the risk of chronic disease like diabetes, obesity, and heart disease.

Here are 12 Steps to help make sure you are getting your beauty sleep

Stay Well Hydrated – but not overhydrated. No one wants to wake up for a trip to the restroom in the middle of the night. – You should be drinking half of your weight in ounces of water throughout the day.

Elevate your head – This open breathing passages , reducing the collapsing of the airways.  I love this back to beauty head cradle,

Sleep on your back.  According to the Cleveland Clinic, sleeping on your stomach, means your neck and spine are not in a neutral position and this can put pressure on the nerves, Sleeping on your stomach and chest can also encourage wrinkles, If you are like me and love to sleep on your side,  use a side pillow

Invest in a Silk Pillow caseThis will prevent wrinkles and breakage of your hair. Sleeping on a rough cotton surface can irritate your skin and compress your face for long hours at a time, resulting in wrinkles.

Get regular Exercise during the day , limiting exercise several hours before bedtime.

Get on a Sleep Schedule , going to sleep and waking up at the same time every day will help adjust your levels of cortisol to remind your brain it is time to go to sleep and time to wake up.

Limit Caffeine several hours before bedtime and Limit meals late in the evening.

Natural Vitamins / Oils such as Hemp OIL , Valerian Tea , and Chamomile Tea can naturally give your sleep routine a boost. Try sipping on some tea and read a book 30 minutes before bed.

Set the Temperature to around 70 degrees, which experts say is optimal for the best sleep

Take a bath with Epsom salt, soothe and sleep with Lavender.

Spray a sleep mist on your pillows.

Drop some lavender sleep blend in that diffuser

Don’t forget those Beauty Products before you close your eyes. Here are my go to products for sleep right before bedtime.

Use an Anti aging skin cream with Retinol, Vitamin A or Vitamin C I like this one from Glo24K . According to Healthline if you don’t have a night time moisturizer, use your day one with some petroleum jelly on top to lock in moisture. .

Moisturize with skin with Argon oil with Lavender

Use an overnight Lip Repair

Love this Sleep Mask for hair

I am always looking for tips on what other products people have tried, so feel free to leave a comment.

This page is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Do your research, find what works for you and talk to your physician if you have any questions or concerns.