Never be without wipes again.

There is nothing more frustrating than walking into a store to see an empty shelf. Wipes have become so essential, whether you are using it to disinfect products, cleaning your house or self care, it can definitely be frustrating when you are running low. I love to shop at big box stores and buy in bulk. Everytime the Multi Pack of Clorox would go on sale, i brought it home. I would give to teachers, use to Disinfect and Sanitize. At least once a week i loved to wipe down all the door knobs in the house. Last Spring something changed, Suddenly we were using Wipes to wipe down mail, packages, cereal boxes and any and all things that came into the house. My stockpile of Wipes was suddenly gone. I really love making my own wipes. It gives me a sense of security, and i can alter the fragrance to adjust to my own preferences.

Here are my recipes for Baby wipes, Clorox wipes and Lysol Wipes

For each of the wipes, Cut a roll of paper towels in half. Place half of the roll in a Rubbermaid container. Mix all ingredients and pour into the container. Turn upside down for 30 minutes. You are all set.

Baby Wipes

1 cup water

1 tablespoons baby magic baby bath or johnson and johnson baby shampoo

1 tablespoon baby oil

Clorox Wipes

1 cup water

2 tsp bleach

2 tsp dish soap

6 drops essential oil

Lysol Wipes

1 cup water

6 tbsp 91% alcohol

2 tbsp dish soap

6 drops essential oil